A place for remembrance

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

Date : ?-2022-?
Materials : Found door near the park, fragments of sharpened broken mirror, glass found hanging on slippery icy walls, bottles found in-between skyscrapers after parties, broken window glass found near the building with the „Renaissance" sign, many bottles of Sanbitter from late-night discussions with friends, fragmented LCD screens, stones thrown at an iPhone, glass from pot that was meant to collect rain but it had holes, glass found on the sand beach of the lake, fired stones, cables found caught in few lava rocks with holes, empty shells, deadwood brought to shore by the waves, roots, stones from the surroundings of the exhibition building; other stones,

Dimensions : variable dimensions.
Personal work done at ZHdK - Zürich, shown at ZHdK - Zürich and at HEAD - Genève (Jan.2022)

In an Oxbow lake, everything is slowed down. Waves have assembled sediments—wooden sticks shaped by the waves; glass sediments found been melted together — a multitude of realities compressed in one “fluid” object — turned to “stones” with spectral meanings. The fluid shapes a moment where matter is suspended in time — an undef place. Objects have been unmapped and act as ghosts — oblivion data. How to welcome unknowness/unknown entities by embracing them? How to preserve a situation from definitions? If you want, you can add a stone to the rock.

Oxbow lake : "A curved lake formed from a horseshoe bend in a river where the main stream has cut across the narrow end and no longer flows around the loop of the bend."
En français : bras mort d'un méandre. Source

Computer „code“ as slangs :

- undef or undefined : “undefined property indicates that a variable has not been assigned a value, or not declared at all.”A place that has not been defined yet. Opening a place for ambiguous meanings by embracing unknowns — undef. Source

- unmap : an action. For example : It is used to remove metadata’s (metadata is : “for a document might include a collection of information like the author, file size,...”), unmap a document : to remove its metadata’s. Without its metadata, the document can be undef. Source

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5

A place for remembrance, Installation views, Jan.2022, HEAD - Genève, Av. de Châtelaine 5